SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3 v3.2.6025 Full + Keygen

Size 3.48 MB

SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3 v3.2.6025 Full + Keygen adalah sebuah screensaver yang bisa membuat anda takjub akan keindahan bawah laut yang sesungguhnya, keindahan ikan yang menawan, airnya yang begitu jernih serta rumput laut dan karang. Dengan SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3 v3.2.6025 Full + Keygen ini anda akan dibuat kagum olehnya. Silahkan download sob SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3 v3.2.6025 Full + Keygen nya...!
  • An incredible new high-definition 3D tank, bringing a whole new definition to 3D aquarium simulations.
  • No more 8-fish limit. The larger tank can handle up to 30 fish at once.
  • Multi-monitor support. Spread your aquarium across two or even three screens.
  • Music play-list. Choose your own MP3 or other music files to play in the background as you watch the Aquarium.
  • Six moving Background Objects.
  • Clock/Calendar. Keep track of the time and date while enjoying the fish.
  • Custom Logo support. Add your custom logo to the crystal in the tank.
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